Imagine a man who worked as a gardener for an estate; never leaving, never finding the need to receive a pecuniary income, and who has never even sat inside of an automobile. Now go further and imagine this man having no public record on him; no birth certificate, no medical reports, no listing of his even being employed as a gardener for the estate on the labor inventory log. For 60 years this man's life consisted in attending to the horticulture of the estate and entertaining himself with the radio and later in television. His only connection to the outside world was through these two mediums, and the estate maid who treated him like a child his whole life. Day in and day out, nothing but detailed garden work and watching the world go by on the Television set. Quite an elegant operation if I may say so.
One day the owner of the estate, who had been bed ridden for the past 30 years, passed away peacefully in his hospice upstairs. Since th...